And the Chelsea Flower Show is on again. I just love all those beautiful flowers and gardens. I would love to be able to create something so pretty in my own garden, but there are few reasons why I haven’t succeeded. First my garden is tiny and on a hill. Secondly I’m not very green-fingered. And thirdly anything I manage to grow gets eaten by slugs.
Luckily for me, none of this applies to knitting and crochet.
I have knitted and crocheted couple of items inspired by flowers before, but now I’m wondering what other ways there are to use flowers in knitting and crochet.
Ane there are lots and lots. I have spent hours thinking about how am I going to get enough photographs on this blog to show you all the options, the beautiful ideas others have had, how to show you enough to inspire you and at the same time get around all the licensing issues. And then an idea came: Pinterest. Anybody can see my board even without Pinterest account and there are lots of wonderful images to choose from.
So here is a link to my Pinterest board with knitted flowers and flowers inspired designs.
There you will see:
Corsages, flowers to display in a vase, bouquets, blankets, clothes and even wash clothes.
Some are 3D patters, some use colour techniques, some are lace and some are just little squares knitted using combination of knit and purl stitches to create a flower motive.
And the best part is, some of those are very easy and can be made by beginners.
Which one is your favourite? I love the Debbie Bliss designs for baby clothes and some of the beautiful fine lace scarfs.
Crochet must have been designed to make flowers. The possibilities are endless. You can make corsages, blankets, bunting and chains to hang, tea cosies and dish clothes, baby clothes and shoes, bags, cushion covers and decorations. Why don’t you have a look here and judge for yourselves.
Are you feeling inspired? Then why not check out the Lessons tab or send me a message.